August 2024

Hey August, where have you been? July seemed really long this year, everyone talks about the summer flying by and it usually does seem that way but not this year, not for me anyway.  Maybe it’s just that I had six months worth of work to get done in one so that added to the draw out.  We started a new wave of hiring as internal changes to job descriptions ended up putting a ton of work on me when my time is better spent on bringing in new business and projects. We hired our first property/project manager in July and are discerningly interviewing for other roles. Role adjustments, promotions and new positions are shaking out and I’m looking forward to building a really strong team in the next few months.  We are already seeing that 2025 is going to be huge.  Between several new businesses and the almost certain return of an exceptionally strong real estate market as interest rates ease and inventory increases - we are always working to be ready for what’s next, it’s our thing. 

One of the highlights of July was releasing the first episode of our Swan Agency Real Estate GOLDEN JUBILEE podcast.  We have the most beautiful podcast studio right in our building outfitted with top notch equipment and are finally making very good use of it.  The colleagues who have participated have been so great and even though there are some nerves, once we start and they realize it is just a fun conversation albeit with headphones on and speaking into a microphone, it is a blast.  You can catch up with listening on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.  We love being out in front, breaking new ground for our crew and though we are the first local real estate company with a podcast, I’m sure there will be more coming.  

Cygnet Gallery hosted it’s biggest and most successful show ever in July, the art of Dorothy Feeley.   Dorothy’s work is a personal favorite and when I decided to purchase a building in Southwest Harbor and reopen Cygnet Gallery (formerly of Bar Harbor and Portland) Dorothy was the first artist I reached out to.  The show was brilliant and SO very many red dots on paintings.  I purchased an oversized beautiful piece for Swan Song Farm that will hang in one of the luxury studios.  Perfect.  

Finally Swan Song Saltwater Farm moves steadily along.  The local code enforcement officer continues his excessive oversight, the builders get as much done as possible until they run into a lack of materials and just wait… and wait…., the landscaping and styling at the estate gate is underway with our gorgeous new sign (made from reclaimed boards from buildings once on the farm) placed, ready for lettering, and the plantings have begun.  Our gardener/farm manager has started on a part time basis and we have exciting plans.  I want people to look forward to driving by the Farm to see what kind of amazing landscape design we are featuring at the gate as the seasons change. 

Close friends have visited the Farm for the first time and honestly and sincerely share my love for it and see the vision - that means so much to me.  The fun part begins now - the interior design choices for the studio cottages and Apple Cottage.  The studios will be very luxurious and the space lends itself to a bit of refined drama with the high ceilings and the bucolic views.  I want guests to check in to the studios, walk in and be enveloped by the feeling I get of peace and calmness when there.  

So the march continues to achieving perfection from podcasts to floor plans and everything in between.  August already seems like the time for execution and seeing the fruits of the creative process shine.  No more franticness but rather the reclaiming of time and intent in order to not settle, no more settling.